jeudi 2 février 2012

BLOG: why I will not buy Lana Del Rey's album - but gladly talk about it anyway.

For a few months now, the only artist everybody's been talking about is American-born Lana Del Rey. From that famous first home-made video for Video Games and endless discussions about her remodelled mouth to the release today of her debut album, the singer has found a dedicated fanbase while at the same time, reluctantly appeared on stage and in TV shows, all culminating at the excruciating SNL show a couple of weeks ago where no one knows if she was dead-afraid or too stoned to utter any word properly.

You could tell me that it's all part of the burgeoning legend of a young East-Coast venturer who dignifies through music. I'd say you don't create a legend out of nothing. Of course, it's hard being a singer with no band of your own to back you up. Of course it's difficult to be a singer-songwriter and I have to say I quite like Video Games and Blue Jeans.  I however don't like the cartoon she made of herself.  Being a frontwoman implies some inner qualities which you have to be able to display on stage and playing the over-sexualised puppet while reinventing the 50s is a total no-no.

Wanna know who's a great frontwoman? Think Shirley Manson circa 1996. No racy outfit, no useless batting of the lashes and a fantastic scenic presence. Youtube might have made a flickering star of you, Miss Lana, but live audience only can create supernovas.

Lana Del Rey's debut album Born To Die is available from January 30th.

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